As a welcome back gift this school year, all teachers received books from Scholastic’s Coretta Scott King pack. These books will continue to diversify our classroom libraries!
School-wide communication will be sent via Class Dojo this school year to streamline communication from the classrooms and office. Our online learning platforms include SeeSaw for grades K-2nd and Google Classroom for 3rd Grade. All 3 apps are available on your mobile device. Be on the lookout for information regarding logging in and joining these online platforms for your student’s classroom.
Mrs. Webb is leading our staff in RAZ kids training this morning. Our focus this morning is online literacy and uploading videos to YouTube in the afternoon. #carterville5 #remotelearning
Remote Learning Student Device Pick-Up Dates. August 13th and 14th. For full remote learners only.
Tri-C teachers are learners this week! Staff led professional development on Seesaw and Google Classroom this morning. We are looking forward to the challenge of remote teaching and learning. #carterville5
Tri-C teachers are learners this week! Staff led professional development on Seesaw and Google Classroom this morning. We are looking forward to the challenge of remote teaching and learning. #carterville5
Remote Learning Planning Days: August 10th-14th. No student attendance.
Online registration for returning 1st-12th grade students is now open. This is Part 2 of this year's registration process:
Click here for CUSD #5 detailed Return to Learn plan:
CUSD #5 has several support staff openings for the upcoming school year. Click the link for more details.
Positions include: Math Instructional Aide, Student Supervisors, Cook, Bus Drivers, and Custodians.
Check out our 2019-2020 Class Dojo Stats! Incredible job by our staff connecting with families at home! Great work.
Did you miss our curbside pick up on Monday? You can still come by the school to collect your child’s supplies.
Curbside pick up at Tri-C Elementary - Monday, May 18th
Congratulations, Class of 2029!!
Our K Crew is sending a piece of our heart off to retirement at the end of this unusual year. We have the best stories, memories, and fun when we're with Mrs. Mooneyham! Be sure to check out a video tribute with a few special guests!
Tri-C Elementary Curbside Pick-up will be held Monday, May 18th. Students will be able to pick up items that were left in their classrooms. Map and details to follow. #carterville5
Our first grade baby chicks hatched! We have 14 chicks (so far). Six of them were fluffy enough to move to the brood box! Day #18 of First Grade’s baby chick hatching! They are almost here!
New learning packets and resources available today! They are on bus routes and online! #carterville5
Zoomed lately? Join us this week!